Ergo Deus - On Account of God

Commentary & observations from my particular Christian perspective, including "homework" from my weekly Bible study on Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life. Please feel free to post topical comments.

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Location: Between UNH & USM of late., United States

Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.

Monday, March 6

Sponsoring the Anti-Christ

It's official, the Anti-Christ is brought to us by Lexus!

The voice-over guy announced it just before the first commercial break during an airing of The Antichrist, a recent documentary on The History Channel.

Now isn't that taking commercialism a bit too far? And with sponsorship like that, why do we have to pay thirty-bucks for the DVD? That's just evil. Plain, simple evil.


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