Ergo Deus - On Account of God

Commentary & observations from my particular Christian perspective, including "homework" from my weekly Bible study on Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life. Please feel free to post topical comments.

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Location: Between UNH & USM of late., United States

Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.

Saturday, January 14

PDL Chapter 2 Question

"I know that God uniquely created me. What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?"

Responding to a question with a question is not always the best tactic but something in my nature ...

Under the present assumption, should I have difficulty accepting any part of my personality, background, and physical appearance? If I have difficulty with anything it is playing Doubting Thomas when it comes to the Lord's design.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jerimiah 29:11).
Jerimiah was directly referencing the Jews in Babylon here, but this is a lesson that applies to all of God's children. Certainly I have free will (and all the trouble that entails) to pose this question, however it just doesn't seem right to challenge God in this fashion.

So here I go then, questioning the Lord. Or more precisely, casting doubt on the premise that "God prescribed every single detail of [my] body" (The Purpose Driven Life, p. 22).

With such attention to detail God would know the outcome of each and every life. That makes sense because He is omniscient, after all. So then what is the point of free will? Take salvation, for instance. God already knows who is going to reject Him and who is going to come to Him. Were some people created with this in mind?

This is a huge grey area, if you ask me (and no one did), whereas Chapter 2 of PDL makes the issue very black and white. At the risk of violating the 2nd Commandment, it makes more sense that the Lord has an overall plan or design for Man but isn't too specific unless it suits His needs. Like any father, He lets his children explore and grow and make their own choices but gives rules and guidance. A real relationship cannot be planned or forced. It happens as a choice between unique individuals. Assuming as the PDL asserts that the Lord was exceptionally specific in my creation decreases the joy I feel from my Father's love.

So what am I struggling to accept? Any aspect of my behavior that comes from free will and does not honor the Lord. My background, appearance, and personality are all unique parts of me that I bring to my relationship with God and therefore are not things acknowledge rather than accept.

Wednesday, January 11

PDL Chapter 1 Question

"In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?"

"Vigilance! Constant Vigilance!" (Professor Moody in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). There's a war between good and evil with Man in the middle of the battlefield. One of the enemies’ greatest weapons is temptation. Lurid, hedonistic displays intentionally try to lure the righteous from salvation and keep the fallen blinded to His light. When I first saw a 5-story high billboard featuring a very scantily clad Pamela Anderson in Times Square, New York City I found myself turning away in embarrassment but my eyes weren't following the rest of my body. I wanted to gawk but I didn't want others -- complete strangers -- to see me so, though I didn't feel any lust or perverse thoughts. Maybe had I lingered long enough weakness would have allowed distraction turn into disaster.

An incident like this is why I need to rely upon God to remember that life is really about living for Him. Being an imperfect being I am simply not up to the task. Only with the Lord’s strength, guidance, and forgiveness can I avoid the temptations around me: "LORD, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, O LORD our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army" (2 Chronicles 14:11).