Ergo Deus - On Account of God

Commentary & observations from my particular Christian perspective, including "homework" from my weekly Bible study on Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life. Please feel free to post topical comments.

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Location: Between UNH & USM of late., United States

Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.

Sunday, May 14

"Cross-Shaped Ruin to Stay at Ground Zero"

The foundation in charge of developing ground zero's memorial and museum pledged to permanently display the two pieces of steel left standing in the shape of a cross after the World Trade Center collapsed. WTC Memorial Foundation President and CEO Gretchen Dykstra agreed to find a place for the artifact at the site, though she acknowledged it's a delicate issue and viewers should be allowed to draw their own conclusions about whether it has religious significance (Yahoo! News).

Draw your own conclusions, of course, but if this isn't a sign of some sort, then I don't know what would be a sign.


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